Races of Therodon

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Tiger and Serpent


Immortal Races

Elven Tribes: 6' - 6'10, 150-200 lbs; females: 5'6 - 6'2, 115-165 lbs; highly resistant to extremes of natural heat and cold; death occurs only through violence; 2 hours of meditation each day suffice in place of mortal sleep; suggested professional limitations: no profession with Self-Discipline as a prime requisite stat (except in unusual circumstances).

Elves are very similar to humans, except they are generally taller and have elongated ears with points at the top, slightly larger eyes, and more delicate features. While it is generally assumed among human races that Elves are immortal, some do seem to age, and have even been known to die (they can also, of course, be killed). The fact that some Elves seem to age may be attributed to intermingling with mortal races.

A facet of the High Elves which cannot be emphasized enough is their egos. While all Elven groups are immortal, and generally fairer in appearance than the mortals, the Erlin retain a certain self-effacing attitude. Not so with the Iylari (though the Linæri manage to retain a certain patronizing charm). The Loari, however, rarely attempt to restrain their contempt for mortals. Their arrogance is legendary. This goes a long way to explain, why they have been hunted by certain peoples in Jaiman and other regions.

In Námar-Tol for example, the Loar Elves have organized their own realm as they see fit. Their visualization of the proper order of things is that High Elves were born to create art and music, to create things of beauty (and be things of beauty). Mortals, on the other hand, were born to support an environment in which the Iylari are free to do these things. To the credit of the Loari, they don't endorse slavery - they pay their mortal servants well - but their attitude towards their servants is disdainful and sometimes contemptuous.



Work of Ruth Thompson

© 1998 Ruth Thompson. All rights reserved! Read the legal information.

Stat Bonuses: QU +4; PR +4; EM +2; SD -4; ME +2; AG +2; AP +8

RR Modifiers: Ess -2; Chan -2; Ment -2; Poison +10; Disease +100

Soul Departure: 2 Recovery 2x

Background Options: 4

Language: Iylar (High Elvish)

Linæri (Iy.:Singers): They are frequently Astrologers, Bards or Mystics.

The Linæri are the more philosophical of the two branches of the High-born Elves ('Iylari'). They possess golden-blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Tending to be lean yet strong, the Linæri have an understated power.

Linæri prefer open spaces to structures, and when they build homes they are always very airy designs filled with light and warmth. True to their name, the Linæri are a musical people.



Works of Ruth Thompson

© 1998 Ruth Thompson. All rights reserved! Read the legal information.

Stat Bonuses: QU +4; PR +6; EM +2; AG +2; SD -4; ME +2; AP +12

RR Modifiers: Ess -5; Chan -5; Ment -5; Poison +10; Disease +100

Soul Departure: 1 Recovery 3x

Background Options: 2

Language: Iylar (High Elvish)

Loari (Iy: Builders): Frequently spell users, Loari often are Alchemists, Seers or Mentalists.

The Loari have raven-black hair, predominately brown or hazel eye color, and often pale skin. They also tend towards a heavier bone structure, with muscle mass to match. A Loar warrior is without match among the humanoid races, except perhaps by a Laan.

While the Loari love nature as much as the Linæri, they seek to unlock its hidden secrets rather than enjoy it in its untouched state. They are unsurpassed at gem-cutting, architecture, and the making and working of alloys. Their egos are also unsurpassed among Elves and Men - except perhaps by those among their kind who have turned to darkness: the Dyari. As a result, the Loar Elves are often considered arrogant and condescending by other peoples. They are; though fortunately this seems generally to be a passive conceit rather than an aggressive one. The Loari show little desire to conquer other races. Instead they seem content to flaunt their superiority.



Work of Ruth Thompson

© 1998 Ruth Thompson. All rights reserved! Read the legal information.

Stat Bonuses: QU +2; PR +2; EM +2; AG +4; SD -4; ME +2; AP +2

RR Modifiers: Ess -5; Chan -5; Ment -5; Poison +10; Disease +100

Soul Departure: 3 Recovery 1.5x

Background Options: 4

Language: Erlin (Wood Elvish)

Erlin: Often innately possess Ranger or Animist spell lists to 5th level.

Also known to some cultures as Wood Elves, Erlini are less tall than the other Elves by 2-4"; most often have sandy or dark hair and light blue, green, or grey eyes. Erlini have a slightly higher fat percentage in their body mass than the High Elves, but this only gives them a more 'well-fed' look; as with all other Elven peoples, their metabolism virtually prevents the possibility of an overweight Elf. While less athletically intimidating, they are at least as agile as any creature on two legs.

Like the Linæri, they prefer to live close to nature in her unaltered state. When they employ tools and structures these are always subtle and clever of design, simple yet practical.

These are the most prevalent of the Elven-kind by far, and in many areas they have interbreed with mortal groups to create hybrid races. When a culture of Erlini has been isolated for a long period, they are very shy and resist becoming involved in the affairs of humans or High Elves.



Works of Ruth Thompson

© 1998 Ruth Thompson. All rights reserved! Read the legal information.

Stat Bonuses: QU +4; PR +4; IN -2; EM +4; CO -2; AG +4; SD -4; ME +2; RE +2; AP +4

RR Modifiers: Ess -5; Chan -20; Ment +5; Poison +10; Disease +100

Soul Departure: 1 Recovery: 2x

Background Options: 3

Language: Dyar (Dark Elvish)

Dyari: Similar to Loari, tend towards Magical and Clerical Arts, Evil lists, Sorcery, (Warlock, Witch).

The Dyari are also sometimes called the Dark Elves. However, despite their name, they do not have darker skin than their brethren; in fact they are often very fair-skinned, and have pale or even white hair. Their ears frequently have more pronounced points than the other Elves; their eyes are grey, black, or sometimes amber. Like the Loari, they are often physically very intimidating.

The Dark Elves are an almost invariably evil race of Elves, whose talents and tendencies lean heavily towards the magical arts, often the darker side. They are cunning and cruel, ambitious to the end. The Dyari are what becomes of Loari conceit coupled with a matching ambition and a lack of morality. Many are followers of the Dark Gods - especially Moralis and Inis.




© 199- Larry Elmore All rights reserved!

Stat Bonuses: ST +2; QU +2; PR +2; EM +2; CO +2; AG +4; SD -4; ME +2; AP +2

RR Modifiers: Ess -10; Chan +5; Ment +10; Poison +30; Disease +100

Soul Departure: 3 Recovery 2x

Background Options: 4

Language: Shulur (Aquatic Elvish)

Shuluri: No professional restrictions, though tendency towards Mentalism.

Aquatic Elves are a rare and elusive breed, having both gills (hidden inside their throats) and lungs, able to exist equally well on land or in water. Shuluri physically resemble Iylari, but are very pale, with blond or white hair. They also have slightly webbed hands, elongated, webbed toes, and an inner eyelid which helps to protect the eye while underwater. Aquatic Elves are nearly identical physically to the High Elves but have somewhat more stamina due to the rigors of moving through their aqueous environment. They are nearly as shy as the Wood Elves. Occasionally, an adventurous sort leaves his ocean home to explore the world above. He may even develop ambitions and goals there. Such Shuluri have lived this way for decades before anyone learned that they were an different from the Elves of the land.




Stat Bonuses: ST +2; QU +4; PR +4; CO +2; AG +2; SD -2; AP +4

RR Modifiers: Ess -5; Chan -5; Ment +10; Poison +20; Disease +80

Soul Departure: 6 Recovery: 1x

Background Options: 4


Stat Bonuses: QU +4; PR +2; IN +2; EM +2; CO +2; AG +2; SD -2; RE -2; AP +4

RR Modifiers: Ess +0; Chan +0; Ment +10; Poison +20; Disease +60

Soul Departure: 3 Recovery: 1x

Background Options: 4

Ta-lairi: No professional Limitations.

The variety in Half-elves stems not so much from the subtle variance in Elves, as the more pronouced differences between the Mannish races.

The Ky'taari of the Mur Fostisyr and the Sulini of Tanara are examples of this fusion; there are numerous other cultures whose people are - as a group - descended from an Elven-mannish mix.


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